Clark and Hill Enterprise

Message from the CEO

And here you are…ready, willing, and able! There is something about stepping out to become an entrepreneur that is both exciting and scary. I know this because I’ve done it myself, and my goodness, I was a nervous wreck (even though I had been doing what I love and knew what it would take).

After more than six years of advising or providing services to new and existing entrepreneurs, I decided to no longer treat what I loved as a hobby. I found it important to dedicate my time to my passion, which is helping people find their vision and build a solid foundation that will inevitably become their brand.

I love and am rewarded for the excitement clients feel when they realize their full potential or are provided with other insights that become a cornerstone investment for their company’s growth.

Starting a business is not easy. One could only presume that if it were, everyone would do it. Many entrepreneurs even take leaps into self-employment with no plan to guide them and build along the way, hoping they get it right and can have the sustainable growth necessary to 1) remain competitive and 2) generate enough income to operate consistently. In my experience, many entrepreneurs have difficulty translating their ideas into reality and often forget that most ideas cost (and, in some instances, cost so much that businesses either do not get to start or automatically fail within the first year).

The very reasons in the last paragraph are the reasons Clark and Hill Enterprise exist. There is no reason to undergo the feat of entrepreneurism alone. My team and I blog, create content, or provide important business tips and other information to provide specific, pragmatic, short or long-term action plans to help build the foundation for your business and/or brand. Be armed with success from the beginning to enjoy watching your vision become a reality. Let’s make it happen together!

Welcome to Clark and Hill Enterprise!

~ Dr. Pamela Gurley, D.M


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